Sunday, October 23, 2011


Several years ago, I worked for Macy's Department store in the Christmas shop. It was lots of fun and I worked with some very nice ladies.  We met a lot of people and helped bring visions of sugarplums into their homes. I noticed a trend however.  Shoppers of African American descent were looking for a traditional Santa Claus who was also African American. That made perfect sense to me since Santa is a magical being and can appear in any form.  Macy's had no black Santas and when I researched Christmas cards, there were very few of them. I decided to paint some artwork showing Santa doing traditional Christmas things.

Here's Santa  walking on a pristine snowy field.  His snowshoes have a peace symbol on the soles and he is leaving "peaceful" tracks as he walks.  The cozy cabin in the background also has a peace sign on the window welcoming all who enter.  A fat, happy snowman watches over the scene.  Inside the card says, "May the peace of the Holidays follow you throughout the New Year."

It is very difficult to get artwork accepted into the mainstream.  I think the quality of my paintings is very good, but perhaps when I was trying, the U.S. market was not ready for an African American Santa. I hope it is now.

Santa is looking at the Christmas Star as he and his reindeer stand by a frozen pond. The star is reflected in the pool.  Santa is awestruck, the reindeer, merely curious.
Inside the card says, "Hoping you find your bright and shining star this season."

When I first created these cards, I sent them to card companies like Hallmark, and American Greeting, but they were not interested in them.

Santa is in his workshop making wonderful toys for the children of the world.  He seems to put so much love into the process.  The toys in the background watch him.  Inside the card says, "Wishing you all the joys of his Holiday Season."

I also contacted Ebony Magazine to see if they knew of African American based greeting card companies who might be interested in my Santas.  I never got a response.

A little girl has heard Santa and woken up.  She's a bit scared and shy.  Santa sits down to comfort her.  He is telling her the Christmas story.  Inside the card says, "May the wonders of the season last throughout the New Year."

I researched ebay but found that too daunting. ( I'm a chicken when it comes to ebay.) and I didn't like the quality of work I saw on it.

Mr. and Mrs. Claus are sitting with a collection of dolls that Santa and his elves have made. You can tell that they are fond of each other and they are very proud of their work. They want to share these dolls with children everywhere. Inside the card says, "Greetings from Santa and the gang."

I even sent this collection of cards to Oprah Winfrey because she supports women and their dreams.  Alas, they were returned unopened. I felt I was out of options so the artwork sat in my room collecting dust.

This year, I'm selling them on    The cards measure 5 x 7 and come with a white envelope.  They are printed on low gloss card stock.
Check out my site:  StOngeStudio under shops, or type in the search "African American Santas"  under homemade. Wish me success!

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