Monday, February 21, 2011

Jane Austen

One of my favorite stories is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.  I've read the book a dozen times since my youth and have watched the movie many more times.  I enjoy most of Jane Austin's books.  I like her flowery language and how she depicts the strange manners of her time.  I call them strange because they are so unlike the customs and mores of today. It is difficult for us to imagine belonging to the world of 1800.  The art of living was so very formal and restricting, even the clothing was constraining.  Yet what have we given up for "freedom" and comfort?  
I certainly miss the wearing of hats!  What a wonderful fashion statement. There was such an art form to them:  the hat, the ribbons, the flowers, the feathers, the hat pin, the hat box, the milliner and the store.  Hats were given as loving gifts and both women and men wore them.  Up until the 1960's people still wore hats in this country.  I envy present day England because women still don interesting and elegant hats.

Gloves were another marvelous addition to their wardrobe. They were made of fine leather or beautiful cotton and lace and often were elegantly embellished.  There were short, long, riding, dancing, walking, gardening, half and no fingered gloves.  The term "fitting like a glove" came from that time as gloves became like a second skin. Gentlemen did not touch the ungloved hand of a lady in public so when a man and woman met skin to skin, I'm sure it was quite pleasurable. There is a cultivated look to gloves that I miss.

Yes, women wore corsets and long heavy skirts which I do not covet, but when I look at the clothing of today I am ashamed at where we have ended up. Sweat pants and cut off jeans are an embarrassment of fashion. Exquisit silks, chiffons, wools, muslims, and embroideries have been replaced by polar fleece, denim and knits. We now dress for comfort but what we have given up is disheartening.  Style will change, I know, as it always does and it will be interesting to see where it goes.  I can't imagine that ladies will ever again wear long skirts and bonnets, but who knows?  At this point, I believe the ruffians have won and it will be a long battle back to refinement.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post topic! And the photos are great too. When you're worried about where our clothing habits have gone over time, you can always turn to Anthropologie to make you smile! ;-) Well, that's what I do anyway. The sweater you gave me for Christmas has a very refined and old-fashioned cut to it...It makes me think of the late 1800s. Love it!! :-)
