Saturday, February 12, 2011

When the lights go out

This time of year we get a lot of wind storms. Today we are supposed to have such an event.  I've been watching my barometer drop and so I am beginning to believe the weathermen.  We live in such an unpredictable area, however, that often the storms go around to the north and south and miss us completely.  That is due to the mountains on the east and the bodies of water that surround us.
I am going to prepare for the wind because we probably will lose power if it blows.  There are so many  trees here that could fall against the power lines and even if they don' t fall, their branches can break and create the same havoc.  I will bring in wood to make sure it's dry enough to burn in my wood stove.  Then I'll put out the oil lamps and candles and make certain I have matches near by.  I will test the flashlights and finally, I will find a good puzzle to work on.  I really like it when we lose power.  It feels like we're pioneers living in the wilderness.  Two days without electricity is my max, though.  Then it just gets tiresome!

This little guy is named Edison.  He looks like he is made out of wax, but he's just blending in.  Edison shows up when the power goes out. He reminds us to enjoy the quiet, get out a puzzle or board game, and slow down.  I love the soft glow that surrounds him. Candlelight is lovely. Edison amuses me with his quizzical face and tiny pipe.


  1. I love surviving winter storms at your house. It's really really windy up here in Bellingham today too!

  2. And Edison really amuses me. It looks like the power going out just gives him more to think about... Or not think about. I love the candle light illuminating his surroundings.
